Shamanic and energetic work does amazing things. I still consider myself to be in the training phase, but I've gotten a handle on several kinds of work and am always up for a new challenge.
I've decided that my project for April is to completely heal my eyesight so that I don't have to wear glasses anymore. I'll be making periodic posts on my progress and then of course an end-of-month rundown-- which should be soon followed by a celebratory post about having a drivers license without the "corrective lens" restriction! After all, what is this work if it isn't practical and applicable?
So process, my favorite word. You could think of it as ideas in action, or even ritual. I sat down and thought about what the change from fuzzy vision to clear and perfect sight would be like, and what sorts of elements would want to be brought in or cut out of my life.
1) only necessary computer / phone time. no frivolous screen time! (I don't watch tv or else that'd have to go as well.)
2) no glasses for first and last 10 minutes of the day
3) meditation on eyes and related pathways in order to relax and heal. (in the future I'll do a post on somatic work, which is something I really love doing) 15 minutes at the beginning and end of each day-- ok to fall asleep doing it
4) trance-- one 15 minute session each day to check progress (get get advice) with my invisible buddies
In the course of my first trance session I was told that the two key words for me are "focus" and "commitment". There's a lot to do each day, and it is important that I do this work *every* day this month-- ritual can be like that (in contrast to the idea of an evening-length ritual) especially when the problem is manifest physically-- like my eyesight. Focus comes as a good metaphor word, so I'll be looking for areas where I can bring more focus to my life and activities.
Here I go!